Exclusive interview with Phantasma Photography:

1 – How was the process of your first creation with a male model?
My first photoshoot with a male model was in 2017. At the time my work was craving some masculinity so I decided to reach out to some local guys. The experience was very positive, I realized that a fit / toned male body really flattered my lighting style, and vice versa. Any artist hopes that they find their niche, a space where creating seems effortless, and this was the case for me. The rest is history.

2 – What is it like to create and work with male models, is there any creation and preparation process on your part?
I have been working with male models for so long that it now feels like second nature, completely natural and I am confident in my abilities and in my style of photography. I don’t have much prep for the session; however, I do like to talk one on one with the model prior to the session. Get a general idea of who they are, and what their interest are. This helps when creating a visual world around them. Aside from that I spend some time building a general story board for reference during the session, and when editing. 

3 – What difficulty do you find in the male digital visual market with your art, have you ever been angry in any situation?
These days there is so much focus on the model’s genitles. Because my work is 95% nude, I find that a majority of my followers, fans, viewers, tend to focus only on that: the naked man. Often overlooking the artistic atmosphere or the symbolism behind the creative editing. This can sometimes be frustrating; however, it is what it is. It’s just how the world consumes content these days. 

4 – Is there any work that you ever regretted having done even after you had already released it?
No, I don’t think so. I love everything I create. Even the images that I find not to be good, or not up to my standard are just part of the process. They are the moments that remind me of what I can do, or where I can improve. Always growing and developing.

5 – The effect of the photoshoot on men what do you think about it? How far is it valid for you and your creations?
Seeing these guys react to images of themselves that are larger than life is beyond anything I could express. It is something that encourages me to keep creating and shooting. Working with these guys, and visually representing their power, strength, and passion.

6 – How would you like to be immortalized and remembered with your professional legacy in the world of digital arts?
This is a tough question. I guess I would want to be remembered simply as a creative person who elevated others through art. That has always been the goal, to photograph people, and show them how powerful they are. 

7 – Your creations have various mystical and spiritual symbologies, do you believe that your art can help, in addition to male beauty, bring points of view to help awaken awareness among men and their sexuality?
100%, I think it is important to step outside your comfort zone and experience things. This is how we grow as humans. Our world is so full of toxic masculinity, and I pride myself in my ability to stamp that out with my art. My work often depicts these strong, physically powerful men, posed in delicate and soft positions, surrounded by ethereal beauty. I make a point to show vulnerability in the male form, I find this to be extremely empowering, and this transcends sexual orientation. Boys DO cry! 

8 – We are advancing a lot with all the effects and digital technologies for images of all formats, today we are already using artificial intelligence to create visual works, do you feel prepared to enter this new generation of art?
It is a complicated situation for sure. We have been using digital art for decades, so it was inevitable for this to happen. It is something that other artists must learn to ignore or accept, and everyone will have their own opinion on it. I have dabbled in AI art and have used some of those creations in my editing, so I think it can be a useful tool. Where it becomes sensitive, is where these AI art platforms are getting their reference material from. 

9 – What can we expect from your new project (BODY-FLASH-BONE) Can you give us a spoiler about it?
I am so excited for the release of my photo album, «BODY-FLESH-BONE»! I am still in the pre-production stage, but it is coming together nicely! It has been such as pleasant experience revisiting old work. The album will feature 50 models, with two images each, art spanning as far back as 2015! It will feature some of my favorite images I’ve created over the last few years as well some never-before-seen work! I’m very excited and cannot wait to send it out into the world! You can expect to be flipping through the pages by summer ?

10 – We would like to thank you for your collaboration and for the interview with eroticco. Leave a Message for our readers and lovers of male visual art.
Just a huge thanks to all the people I have worked with in the past and to all those I have yet to collaborate with in the future. As well, thanks to everyone who has supported me over last decade. Connecting with people all over the world through art is the most rewarding accomplishment. 


COVER ART: Thyago Bargmann

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