Living a true loving experience is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Liking is feeling with the soul, but expressing feelings depends on each one’s ideas. We condition love to our neurotic needs and end it. We live a life trying to make others responsible for our needs while we irresponsibly abandon ourselves.

We want to be loved and we don’t love each other, we want to be understood and we don’t understand ourselves, we want the support of others and we give ours to them. When we abandon ourselves, we want to find someone who will fill the hole we dig. Dissatisfaction, inner emptiness are transformed into the continuous search for new relationships, whose frustrating results will be repeated.

Everyone is solely responsible for their own needs. Only those who love themselves can find true love in their life.

Zibia Gasparetto.


MODELS: Christophe et Jérôme
PHOTOGRAPHER: Franco Baggi Maffioli
COVER ART: Thyago Bargmann

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