Etiqueta: Photography

Ramiro Lozano by Body Project, part 1.
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Ramiro Lozano by Body Project, part 1.

EXCLUSIVE MODEL: Ramiro Lozano - Ramiro Lozano Fans - Ramiro Lozano Model - Twitter - Twitter 2PHOTOGRAPHER: Body Project PART 1
«INNER WORK» – Rishabh Shawney by Judhajit Bagchi.
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«INNER WORK» – Rishabh Shawney by Judhajit Bagchi.

EXCLUSIVE INNER WORK: MAKING PEACE WITH MY THOUGHTS PERFORMING ARTIST: Rishabh ShawneyPHOTOGRAPHER: Judhajit BagchiCREATIVE: Ranadeep BhattacharyyaPROJECT: Yaannus Atelier Inner Work is a continuous process. For people dealing with mental health problems, this becomes a difficult fight that they have to endure every day. As artists and as human beings, we ourselves have been trying to meditate and keep our minds sane in the times of pandemic where we have to endure social isolation. We started making drawings and sketches of our experiences and arrived at the conclusion that inner work requires to be done every moment when one is struggling inside, as it is a continuous ongoing process to make peace with one's thoughts. Every moment we have the potential withi...
Byan by Kodachi.
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Byan by Kodachi.