Aussie Hotties Ryan Greasley and Manuel Kornisiuk: A Relaxing M2M Massage Experience at Elite Male Massage.

The Ultimate in Luxury and M2M Massage
In the heart of Australia’s breath-taking landscape, Elite Male Massage stands as
Melbourne’s top-ranked private wellness practice, offering an unparalleled experience for
men seeking the ultimate in luxury and male-to-male (M2M) massage. This oasis seamlessly
blends wellness and opulence, capturing the essence of Australian allure while providing an
exclusive haven for those seeking the very best in M2M massage and gay wellness.

The Regal Experience: Champagne Chocolate Massage Package
For those seeking the epitome of luxury wellness and M2M massage, Elite Male Massage
offers the Champagne & Chocolate massage package—a regal experience that elevates
well-being with the finest champagne and decadent chocolates. This exclusive offering
enhances the overall indulgence, ensuring every aspect of the experience radiates opulence.

An Oasis of Inclusivity: LGBTQIA+ Friendly
Elite Male Massage proudly stands as an LGBTQIA+ friendly oasis, where well-being and
acceptance thrive in perfect harmony. Oscar Calvo’s resolute commitment to creating an
inclusive space resonates throughout the practice. From the warmest of welcomes to the
most nurturing of experiences, every element is meticulously designed to ensure that
everyone feels truly at home.

A Sensory Oasis Redefined with Versace
Renowned photographer Elvis Di Fazio captures Ryan and Manuel’s sensory journey within
Elite Male Massage’s private sanctuary, transcending mere physical renewal. Draped in
opulent Versace bathrobes, sleek designer underwear, and plush slippers, Ryan and Manuel
redefine luxury wellness. Every detail, from designer decor to indulgent bathroom
amenities, elevates the ambiance, captivating the senses, and enhancing the narrative of

Guided by Vision: Oscar Calvo’s Visionary Leadership
Under the visionary leadership of Oscar Calvo, Creative Director and Founder, this
captivating campaign takes on a truly distinctive character. Oscar, a skilled therapist with
over a decade of experience, not only drives Elite Male Massage as a successful
entrepreneur but also infuses every facet of the campaign with his visionary prowess. His
unwavering commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail shape the visual
aspects and enhance the overall ambiance of this exceptional experience.

A Luxurious Australian Retreat
This campaign harmoniously blends wellness, luxury, and the captivating allure of Australia,
transcending the confines of visual beauty to immerse you in an ambiance of relaxation,
acceptance, and indulgence. Elite Male Massage invites you to explore a world where well-
being takes centre stage, offering an irresistible fusion of well-being, luxury, and the allure
of Australia. Embark on an extraordinary journey where senses ascend, and well-being
discovers new horizons in Australian luxury and M2M massage. Your extraordinary well-
being adventure awaits—don’t let it slip away.

Creative Director: Oscar Calvo
Models: Manuel Kornisiuk and Ryan Greasley
Photographer: Elvis Di Fazio
MUA/Grooming: Lizzie Sharp

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