Etiqueta: xanthos georgiou

Aggelos Pirikkis by Xanthos Georgiou for MODUS VIVENDI.
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Aggelos Pirikkis by Xanthos Georgiou for MODUS VIVENDI.

MODEL: Aggelos PirikkisPHOTOGRAPHER: Xanthos GeorgiouCLOTHING: MODUS VIVENDI - Knitted lineLOCATION: Cyprus Exclusive interview with model Aggelos Pirikkis. How the pandemic has influenced the way you work as a personal trainer and as a model? It has definitely influenced my professional life as an athlete and as a model but one should never give up, we become more flexible and resilient through these tough times. What’s the drive and the feeling that leads you to compete at bodybuilding competitions?It is a sport that requires a lot of sacrifices and is very competitive so we are only a few doing it and this motivates me more. Do you believe in Utopia – what do you do to le...